(Mb, MMb, Mbb, nudity, fondle, oral, spank, rim, voy, exhib, anal, ws)
Authors Note: After posting "Mr. Bill's Grocery" I received several comments along the lines of "That was a really great story. It was so real in the sense that I come from a small town and could relate to the little store, etc. I am also old enough to remember swimming at the Y."
I also received this one from Ted: "This actually happened to me in the 50's... I liked it all and still get "hard" dreams about it." Ted went on to describe some interesting history and I asked for more info which he readily provided. It was great material and so with his permission, I sat down and wrote a story describing his experiences with several men when he was a boy between 9 and 13 years old. Of course the names are changed, and the following is somewhat fictionalized, but I tried to remain true to the essence of what he related to me. - Uncle Reamum
Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please
leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read
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please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any
resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you
are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
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before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
When I began third grade back in the 1950's, my mom was struggling to raise me by herself. She had a hard time making ends meet and she sometimes worked long hours to pay the rent, put food on the table, keep the lights on, etc.
As if she didn't have enough on her plate, I wasn't doing very well in school. At school I wasn't a bad kid, just not particularly cooperative at all times, and I wasn't stupid, just unmotivated. Of course the teacher called her in for a conference to enlist her help in straightening me out. Mom cajoled me and sometimes punished me, but I didn't improve. Then she had a discussion with a man who lived in our apartment building. He was a teacher and taught fourth grade at my school. He was distinguished looking with his slightly graying hair and wire rimmed glasses. Well liked by adults and kids alike, he was considered the finest educator at my school. Typically his fourth grade classes were made up of students who were at the bottom of the class in third grade. Within six weeks he had them performing very well, and by Christmas break, they were the top fourth grade class in all subject matters.
Raddick, as I came to call him, suggested to my mom that if he could work with me after school, that he'd have me performing to the best of my abilities in no time, and he'd do it free of charge. Mom, who was also desperate for someone to look after me a few days a week after school, jumped at the chance. She absolutely trusted him 110%.
So, for three days a week I'd go to Raddick's apartment after school. I liked him right away, as he had a way with kids and made every topic interesting. As a babysitter, he was also a vast improvement over the old lady who had been watching after me and charging my mom a small fortune.
He tutored me for sure, but more importantly he motivated me. Raddick would drill me on my spelling words for the week, drilled me on multiplication and division tables and prodded me to start checking my math problems rather than just rushing through them. He also talked to me, found out what my interests were, and treated me like I meant something to him.
He had a game which he said would build trust. I would stand between his knees as he sat on the sofa and he'd run his hands down my sides, while asking me to spell a word or multiply two numbers. I was fine with that, so he'd run his hands down my legs to my ankles. Each time he added more of my body to his touches. This was going so well that he began tickling me without warning. Naturally I'd giggle and move away, only to come back for more. One time he'd tickle my ribs, another he'd suddenly squeeze hard just above my knee, then next he'd squeeze hard behind my thigh, then goose me under the arm pits. The Trust Game had quickly transitioned into the Tickle Game. I loved it, especially the anticipating, not knowing where he'd strike next. During these games he'd ask me to spell one of my words. Spell it wrong and those squeezes were so hard they hurt. Of course I didn't realize what he was actually doing was conditioning me to his touches.
After a few weeks I had started to get it when it came to school work, and we had established a mutual trust.
He tells me, "We both know that there's no reason for you to be doing so poorly in school. So, I'm going to make a deal with you. If you show steady improvement from this day forward, I'll let you see and do some things that I think you'll like. Now, we're both guys and guys like some things, kind of dirty things, dirty things that girls and women just get all upset about. Understand that you can't ever tell your mom about what I'm going to show you or she'll get very mad at me and mad at you about it. So, do you promise that you won't tell her about what I'm going to show you?"
Of course I promised, "Cross my heart and hope to die."
Then he pulls out a magazine "California Moppets and Teens, Vol. 3" and shows me the cover. Holy smokes! Nekked people! Nekked kids! Of course they had a black bars over their privates and over their ass cracks, but it was obvious that they were all nude and what the contents of that magazine were.
After whetting my appetite Raddick says, "Gives you a boner, doesn't it?"
I was in fact stiff and I was embarrassed that he knew it.
"Before I let you see what's inside this magazine," he continued, "you'll have earn it.
"Here's how this is going to work. I'm monitoring all your tests and your behavior in class. I expect you to pay attention and do better... much better, on all your school work. And I expect good behavior." With that he takes the magazine away and says, "I'll let you see what's inside in a few weeks provided that I get a good report from your teacher. Understand? You work hard and do better, and I'll let you see the pictures inside."
"Yes, sir," I replied. "I'll do better. I promise. Can't I see it now?"
"No, you'll have to earn that privilege."
After putting away the nudist mag, we played the Tickle Game only this time he added a crotch grab. That really surprised me. I yelped and jumped away giggling. I came back and we resumed the game with the new element added to it. I wanted him to grab me like that again, but he didn't at first. Instead he told me to remove my shoes and socks and then had me lie on the sofa with my legs draped over his lap. He began running his hands over me from my neck to my bare feet which he found to be quite ticklish. After getting me giggling, he lifted my foot and to my surprise, he put my toes in his mouth. In wide eyed wonder, I felt the unfamiliar sensations as he slobbered and nibbled all over my foot for a long time before doing the same to the other foot. Of course at the time I didn't know what a fetish was, but Raddick had a major foot fetish. From then on he'd suck my toes, lick my feet and blow farts on the wet soles. Me, I just giggled, enjoying the wickedly sumptuous sensations and let him do what he wanted.
That night at home with my mother, I didn't mention the nudie magazine nor the toe sucking, but I did work real hard learning my spelling words. I never said anything about anything Raddick did with me and/or to me. If I had, no doubt she would have intervened and maybe my life would have been different for me, but I never, ever said anything to her or to anyone else. I was the perfect target for a pedophile's sexual advances.
The next session, he showed me the magazine cover once again to remind me of what I needed to do. When it was Tickle Game time, he asked me to remove my shirt as well as my shoes. His feather touch on my bare chest sent me into fits, as it did when he'd lick my nipples. Once again, he had his way with my feet and toes. It was during this session, with my feet in the air, that he slid his hand down into my crotch for a tickle.
The last session of that week was on Thursday. On Friday I would have my weekly spelling test and my weekly arithmetic quiz. For me, there was much riding on Friday's results. Raddick was pleased that I knew all my words before we began the Tickle Game. Without him asking, I removed my shirt, shoes and socks. "If you want, you can take off your jeans too," he suggested. I did and we played the game with me in just my white briefs. I remember being very excited standing between his knees as he ran his hand up my leg and into my crotch. I didn't pull away and let him fondle me for a while before he grabbed my boner. That caused me to jump back giggling, but I immediately returned for more. This time it was my ass cheek he grabbed and shook, sending me into more fits of laughter. He could have pulled my underwear off completely and been done with them, but he didn't. He did, however, goose me front and back several times before it was time for me to go home.
As luck would have it, my mom had a hot date that Saturday night. She asked Raddick if I could spend the night with him as she didn't expect to be home until early Sunday afternoon. Of course Raddick agreed and I was happy with the arrangement too.
I played with friends all Saturday until it was dusk and time to go in for the night. After playing outside all day, I needed a bath. But before he sent me to take a bath, he announced, "You did very well on your spelling test and your math test. I also understand that you didn't speak out of turn and you didn't cause any trouble at all in class all week. I'm impressed with your quick response, Teddy. So, do you want to see what's inside that magazine?"
Of course I did and Raddick kept his promise. For a half hour or so he let me study the images of naked boys and naked girls, ranging in age from toddlers to teenagers. This was supposedly a family nudist magazine, though it showed mostly children and not a lot of adults. There were no sex acts depicted nor were there any erect penises shown, but nothing was covered with clothes nor with those black bars like on the cover. In all cases the kids were shown having a great time. Me, I wanted to be one of those kids.
After thirty minutes he took away the magazine and sent me to get my bath. There wasn't a plug for the bathtub, so I took a shower. Suddenly the shower curtain was ripped open and there stood Raddick, as naked as I was. Now, my mom never allowed me to be nude except when I was taking a bath and that was always behind closed doors; nudity was a big no-no. Startled, I yelled and tried to close the shower curtain. Raddick calmed me down and stepped into the shower with me. Taking the bar of soap in hand he told me, "Turn around and I'll wash your back."
Well, it wasn't just my back he washed and I let him. When he suggested to me to put my foot up on the side of the tub, I did and let him have free access to play with my asshole. First time he put his finger in my anus, I was amazed at how good it felt. I had done this sometimes when I was alone in the bath, as all boys do, probably girls too for all I know. He turned me to face him and he washed my front, spending a great deal of time with my stiff dick and my balls. Then he had me wash him. His circumcised adult sized dick, hardening in my hand, was a wonder, as was the bag full of large nuts. He even made sure that I washed his asshole thoroughly. The shower was finished once the hot water was exhausted, by then nothing remained untouched and everything was squeaky clean.
He dried us both and led me to his bed where he lifted my legs and began his toe sucking/foot licking routine. Blowing farts against the wet soles of my feet sent me into a fit of giggling, and the nibbling along the outer edges of my foot was almost too much to bear. Then he ascended up the inside of my leg, only my legs were spread and up in the air so he was actually descending. Kissing and licking, he went from one leg to the other, all the way down until he was kissing and licking and then sucking my nine year old dick and balls while he held my legs up and spread apart.
Letting my legs down, he licked across my tummy and scoured out my navel. Then he continued upwards to my chest, paying lots of attention to my nipples and the kissing up to where he was kissing me on the lips, driving his tongue in and out of my mouth.
Suddenly he stopped and had me lie on my stomach. He had me giggling again when he nibbled on my ears and then down my back he went, nibbling the skin, kissing and licking. When he got to my butt, he spent a lot of time kissing, licking and nibbling on my cheeks. He traced my crack with his tongue and burrowed into my crotch from behind. Then down the backs of my legs to my feet and toes and then back up again. When he reach my buttocks this time, he spread me open with his thumbs and buried his face in my butt crack. Even after all the licking and kissing all over my naked body, I was still surprised to feel his tongue licking my asshole. Like when he fingered me in the bath, he licked and laved over my hole for sometime before he penetrated me, only he didn't just use the tip of his tongue, he drove it into me. It kind of hurt, but the more he did it the better it felt. After what seemed like a long time, but probably was only a few minutes, he substituted his middle finger for his tongue and penetrated me deep. That too hurt at first, but the more he thrust, the better it felt.
When he pulled his finger out, he stuck his tongue back up my asshole and flickered in and out. By this time, I was really enjoying the rimming.
He rolled me over and gobbled my dick again, then he straddled me and moved his big cock up to my lips. I'd never sucked a dick before, never even considered it, but I didn't hesitate to open my mouth for him and let him push the head of his dripping cock into my mouth. I still remember the feel of that big spongy head between my lips, it was a feel I liked right away and a feel that I enjoyed.
"Watch your teeth," he told me. "Move your tongue over it," he instructed. "Slide it across your lips," he coached. "Suck on it gently," he cajoled. I did my best and know it wasn't the best blowjob in the world, but it was my first taste of man-dick and I liked it.
When he was ready to blow, he didn't do it in my mouth, but pulled out and hosed my face down. It got in my eyes and did that sting! He then cleaned me up, with his tongue. Eventually my eyes stopped stinging, but they were still red the next morning.
From then on I was more than eager to spend time with Raddick after school. I wanted to please Raddick and paid attention in class and worked hard to do better every day, knowing my reward would be to get naked with him and let him play with my body. I loved it. I also loved playing with his naked body.
In addition to the toe sucking, dick sucking and ass licking became standard fare for my afternoon "tutoring" sessions. The man had a serious oral fixation and never missed an opportunity to use his tongue on me. His love of young boy buttocks became evident after a few visits. Often he'd have me lie naked over his lap where he'd rub my bare butt while asking me my spelling words. Whenever I messed up, I got a stinging slap to the cheeks. Believe me, I liked the gentle rubbing more than the stinging pops. If I got every one of my words right, he'd ask me words that weren't even on the list, just so he'd have an excuse to spank me; he didn't spank me hard then, just play spanking. Then he'd start on my feet while still playing with my bare butt and my asshole. From there he'd take me to his bedroom where he'd lick me all over and nibble on my buttocks. Gradually he'd become more aggressive and during (and after) the tongue bath and massage bit, he would lay me face down spread-legged on the bed while he rimmed me, and I mean stretched wide open, finger fucked and licked/sucked. It hurt a little, but I came to like it. This went on every time I visited him, which was at least three times a week.
Even on the days I wasn't scheduled to meet with Raddick, I'd make some excuse with my mom to go see him. He'd answer his door and I'd ask, "Can we play?" He'd let me in and sitting on the sofa, he'd watch me as I took off all my clothes. Then I'd go lie down on the sofa next to him and stick my foot in his face. As he began sucking my toes, his hand would slide from my foot to my crotch and he'd molest me, both genitally and anally. Holding my feet in the air he would then kiss along my leg until he got to the prize, my dick or my asshole. I loved it and quickly developed an anal fetish of my own, one which I have to this day.
My grades in school dramatically improved to the delight of my mother who never questioned the time I spent with Raddick or the methods he employed. His method was primarily the carrot and the stick. The carrot were the naked games he played with me. I didn't consider any of it abuse, not then and not now. After he drilled me on school work for fifteen or twenty minutes I would be asking for him to play with me. He'd sit on his sofa and have me stand between his legs and undress. Meanwhile he'd strip off too. He'd feel me up and start licking, first my chest and eventually all over, paying a great deal of attention to my feet and toes as well as my ass. I think he liked tonguing my asshole more than sucking my dick, and he sucked my dick often. In return I'd suck him to completion, swallowing every drop of his cream. He was usually rather rank and I avoided rimming him in return, unless we had just showered, then I went after his butt too. I think he really loved me, because afterwards he liked to just hold me cuddling.
And then there were the play spankings. They were fun and soon developed into him spanking me from the waist down, front and back, and my chest and belly on the front. He'd start with a rapid, but gentle patting, gradually increasing the impact of his blows until it was stinging and I was squirming. After he stopped, my skin felt all tingly hot... I liked it; still do for that matter.
The stick was a punishing spanking if I messed up at school. Similar at first to a play spanking, he'd keep increasing the impact of his blows until I was hollering and could hardly stand it. Even then I rather enjoyed the glowing, tingling aftermath. But if it was really something serious, for classroom misbehavior or a serious lapse in my school work, he make me lie on my back and hold my feet in the air spread apart. Then he'd spank my nuts. Like all the other spankings, he started with gentle pats to my nuts and increase it until I wasn't just crying, but bawling. I never liked the lingering aching aftermath of a nut spanking! He'd follow that with a tummy spanking, followed by another ass spanking. Then he'd finger fuck my ass roughly. I'd still be crying when he'd make me suck his dick. After swallowing his load, he'd spank me all over again. When he was done, he'd hug and cradle me. On those days I had to hide the fact from my mom that I had been crying all afternoon, as she would have then let me have it for giving Raddick a hard time! Those were no-win days for me and not at all fun. I was smart enough to keep them an absolute minimum.
Around Easter, Mom moved us across town to live with her mother, who was getting up in age. It was primarily a financial move on my mother's part, as they didn't get along all that well.
For a man with an oral/anal fetish like Raddick had, he never sodomized me. I would have let him if he tried, but he never put his cock to my hole, just his fingers and his tongue. I didn't consider what he did to be abusive, not then and not now. He taught me a lot, and not just about man-boy sex, but self-discipline and how to maximize study time for the greatest results, lessons that were well learned.
My grandmother had a modest three bedroom house, so I had my own room. It was tiny and had no closet, just enough room for a single bed and a dresser. The neighborhood wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't dangerous. Back then, no one ever got shot just for kicks or for some petty slight. We boys, of all ages, settled our disputes with our fists and then only to the point that someone gave way. At ten years old, it was quite safe for me to run about unsupervised and I spent many a day just wandering about, occasionally making a friend to hang out with for a while.
I soon learned that if you collected a few soda pop bottles and turned them in for the two cent deposit, you'd quickly have enough money to buy a Coke and maybe a pre-wrapped cupcake. The place to turn those bottles in and make my purchase was a neighborhood grocery store four blocks from my grandmother's house. I loved those cupcakes and loved a cold soda pop to go with it. I'd range far and wide on my bicycle looking for stray and/or unguarded empty bottles. Best of all, it didn't cost my mom a cent either directly or indirectly (if you don't count me pilfering the empty soda bottles from Gran's).
The store was run, owned and operated by two dark haired men who spoke with heavy accents, Emile and Miklos. Of the two, Emile was a head taller and Miklos was more muscular. They were both heavily built, very hairy and always looked like they needed a shave; they were what are now known euphemistically as bears. I'd also soon learned that like me, neither were circumcised. Emile also had very large hands and as the saying goes, he was well endowed.
They were a very friendly lot and were well liked in the neighborhood. The first time I went in there, I was with my mother. Both Emile and Miklos made it a point of giving a penny candy to all the kids, boys and girls alike, who came in the store with their parents. That simple courtesy endeared me, and lot of other kids, to them immediately. No one suspected that their real interest was young boys, especially naked preadolescent boys, a fact that I soon became well aware of.
The first time Emile said anything to me along sexual lines was when he came up behind me in the store one afternoon after school and said, "Hello, Teddy. I bet you're hung like a horse down there," pointing to my crotch. I just looked up at him and said, "HUH?" I had no idea what he was talking about. A week or so later he made the comment that I had a "nice firm behind that really stuck out." I thought he was joking and laughed with him.
Just after school let out for the summer, and after several months of bringing in soda bottles for the deposit money and buying my cherished cupcake and soda pop, I went into the store by myself to make a swap. To my dismay, I was short a penny or two. Emile says to me, "That may or may not be a big problem. How would you like to get your cupcake and soda everyday for free?"
Sounded interesting to me. He leaned over and whispered to me, "When no one is looking, go to the back of the store and sneak into the storeroom. I'll meet you there. Be sure no one sees you." So, I went into the back and with no one looking, I slipped into the storeroom. Before he ever appeared, I suspected that I'd have to do something dirty to get my treat. Presently Emile appears and directs me to his "office" through a heavy metal door. From the style of the door, I surmise that the windowless room was once a walk in freezer or meat locker. As soon as the door clunked closed behind me I had a pretty good idea of what was next.
"What is your name again?" he asked in a heavy accent.
"Of course, Teddy. I've seen you coming into my store many times. You like those cupcakes, don't you?"
"Yes, sir."
"You come in what? One, two times a week and buy them along with a cold drink."
"Whenever I gather up enough bottles," I replied.
"Miklos and I like you very much and... we'd like to see... more of you. You, you want to get a drink and a cupcake everyday and for free?"
"Yeah, I'd like that a lot."
He smiled broadly and said, "Then you'll have to do some... secret things... and you must promise not to ever tell anyone."
I now had a clear idea of what was what. "Okay, I promise," I replied returning his smile.
For some reason, there was sink in the back of the office. Emile turned towards the sink and started running the water. I couldn't see what he was doing until he shut off the water and turned around. He was unzipped and his ample uncut dick was hanging out of his pants, wet from where he'd just washed it. "Then you will suck my dick," he said in a matter of fact manner.
After spending many an afternoon with Raddick, sucking a dick wasn't a big deal to me. Indeed, I had rather missed the feel of an adult's male organ between my lips. I think it surprised him how readily I went to my knees, took his cock in hand and without hesitation slurped it into my mouth. He was a mouthful! What I didn't know then was that he had washed his dick because he'd fucked some other kid in the butt that very morning!
"Ah, you've done this before!" he said as he stroked my hair and his dick hardened in my mouth. "Yes, you suck dick good, Teddy. We're going to be very good friends I see and, yes, you'll get lots of free cupcakes from now on."
I slobbered all over and sucked his meaty dick for a good ten minutes before he pulled out without cumming. Gripping me by the hair, he finished himself off as I remained kneeling, coming off in great globs on my face and on my t-shirt. He put his still drooling cock back in his pants and zipped up.
"Take off all of your clothes," he then tells me. "I want you nude." I was fine with that too, grinned happily at him and got naked for him. He grinned back as he began looking me over, front and back, saying how "beautiful" I was and what a nice butt I had. I felt that big strong hand on my bare buttocks slide around open handed before his large fingers explored the depths of my cleft, eventually coming under to caresses my balls . "You like this, don't you, Teddy?" he asked feeling me up. I did like it, I liked it a lot.
After several minutes and leaving nothing untouched he says, "Wait right where you are, " and left the office.
A few minutes later the door opened and clunked closed. Miklos steps around me, naked and waiting, my face smeared with Emile's cum. I felt a certain exhilaration exhibiting myself to his lecherous gaze. Miklos mumbled something in a strange language, as he unzipped and pulled his cock out. I needed no instructions as to what was expected of me; sank to my knees and readily accepted the offered cock to my lips. As I sucked his dick, I was smiling to myself. What a great bargain! Dicks and cupcakes; two of my favorite things!
Like his partner, Miklos pulled out of my mouth before cumming and hosed me down with his load. I now had cum dripping off my face and onto the floor. He then opens a drawer, pulls out a Kodak Brownie camera and a box of flash bulbs. For the next few minutes he walks around me, taking pictures of me kneeling naked while his soft uncut dick is hanging out of his pants with a dollop of cum hanging by a thread. He then has me stand and he takes more pictures, zips himself up and leaves.
I'm standing around nude, looking over the sparse office for a few minutes and wondering if I should get dressed when Emile returns. "This is exactly how we want you," he says as he runs his hand over my bare butt naked. "Remember that, Teddy. Naked. Always naked. Totally naked." Unlike Raddick who liked to watch me undress for him, these guys wanted me totally naked every second they could. He then kneels and takes me in his mouth, sucking me while kneading my butt cheeks.
I was excited when I left the store with my cupcake, soda pop and my bottle deposit money still in my pocket. But that's not what excited me the most. I had missed the sexual games Raddick played with me and now I had found two other men to play with me. Eagerly I returned the very next day, as much to be molested as for the free goodies.
That would be the pattern for the next several months. Mind you, no one forced me or tricked me into going to the store, and no one forced me to go into the back. I felt a strange thrill as I headed towards the store to be molested. I'd come into the store and one of them nods or points to the back. I'd disappear into the back and into the office, take off all my clothes and wait for them. Soon one would appear, strip naked and have sex with me. When he was finished, he'd return to mind the store while his partner came to the back to have sex with me. Usually the first would come on my face and/or body and he'd rub cum into my skin. The second would then come in my mouth. Of course, sometimes they both came in my mouth or they might both hose me down and rub it all over me.
I had to blow them, let them blow me, rim me, finger fuck me using their cum to lubricate their fingers and neither were very gentle about it. Sometimes they'd have me lie upon their desk and masturbate for them or just let them do as they wished. They also had me pee in their mouths while they sucked me. Emile wanted me to eat out his asshole, but I refused and Emile would spank me. He liked to spank me on the bottoms of my bare feet, backs of my legs, and especially on my bare ass, not like Raddick did, but hard. He got a kick at seeing his red handprints rise on my lily white ass. They both took lots of photographs of me naked.
On occasion, I'd go into the office and there'd be another boy there, naked and waiting. Or conversely I'd be naked and waiting when another boy would come into the office. Emile or Miklos would then come in one at a time and have us suck each other and eat each other's asshole while they photographed us. Of course we both had to suck them. They'd dress and leave and shortly the other would appear for a boy-on-boy sex show and blowjob. As these boys lived on the other side of the street facing the store and attended another school, I didn't know any of them outside of that office, the street being the dividing line between school areas.
One time, late in the next school year, there was an older boy in the office with me. We sixty-nined on the desk while Emile took photos and finger fucked our asses in turn. Once we broke up, Emile puts the other boy leaning over his desk, greased him up with Vaseline and ran his fat dick right up the kid's ass. The kid grunted as he was pounded, but gave no indication that he objected in any way to the sodomy.
A few weeks later, just after my eleventh birthday, I got my first ass fucking. It was on a Sunday, after church and the pot-luck dinner. I was out riding my bike, going nowhere in particular. The store was closed, but I rode down the shabby, deserted street immediately behind the store. I'd been down that street dozens of times, but this time I heard someone call out, "Teddy!" I stopped and looked in the direction from where the call had come. There on the front porch of a somewhat dilapidated wood frame house, sat Emile and Miklos in their underwear. Naturally I went over to say hello and was invited inside.
Once the door was locked and curtains drawn, their underwear was on the floor. Figuring that this was going to be just another standard cock sucking/finger fucking session, I quickly disrobed as well. I wasn't at all surprised when the camera came out to photograph me sucking dicks.
Emile laid me across his lap and spanked me hard, about 20 cracks, until I was bawling. Then, as Miklos held my legs spread , Emile put his middle finger up my butt hole and plowed me until I stopped squirming and protesting. Miklos produced a slim flesh colored smooth dildo, maybe three quarters of an inch wide, (I remember it plainly), pushed it into a large jar of petroleum jelly and unceremoniously shoved it up my ass. They took turns working it in and out for a long time while they drank coffee, smoked and talked in some funny language. Every so often the dildo was pulled from my ass, dipped in the jar of Vaseline and reinserted it.
After around 30 minutes of this, my anus was gaping open when the dildo was removed for good. There came another few hard smacks to the cheeks, then I was pulled up and placed face down over the arm of the couch. While Miklos held my wrists, Emile began to insert his thick penis into me. It hurt quite a bit, enough to get me sobbing again. After he got the head in, he seemed to stop for a few minutes, then pull back only to reinsert himself deeper. My gut began cramping from the ever deepening the intrusion. The whole thing took hours, or so it seemed to me. Actually it took him about 15 to 20 minutes to the point he could begin to have intercourse with me. It did hurt less, but it was still painful during the act and for some hours after. When Emile was finished, Miklos took me. He was smaller than Emile and with my sphincter loose, giving no resistance and with my rectum greased up with Emile's cum, it was a much easier ass fucking.
That evening, I almost cried as I sat on the pot for the first time. One might say that I knew what Johnny Cash was singing about in that 'Ring of Fire' song.
After that fateful Sunday afternoon, I got fucked in the ass rather regularly, both in the store office and at their house on Sunday afternoons. By the third time or so, it didn't hurt at all and I was beginning to like it. Soon, I liked it a lot. Indeed, I like it to this day and amongst my friends, I'm a rather in-demand bottom.
For several months they both persisted in an effort to get me to suck them fresh from my ass, but I always empathically refused. Like with their failed efforts to get me to rim them, eventually they gave that effort up.
During all of these fuck sessions, they took photos of me. I actually saw one of these in the 90's when on AOL in one of those chat rooms where people went to talk about sex. One night I was in one of the rooms and I saw folks typing "LIST ME" over and over. I finally did the same and after a few minutes "YOU HAVE MAIL" popped up. When I finally downloaded it, not fun on a 28.8 dial-up modem, I found that it was VERY interesting. Needless to say I used that "list me" term again... wish I still had the results of those evenings, but memory was at a premium those days. I was in one of those lists, I remembered the day and circumstances under which the photo was taken.
Willingly, I messed around with my bearish molesters until I was almost thirteen. I was in the store for a soda and a package of cupcakes and Emile says, "From now on you'll have to pay for those." I was told that I was now too old for them, as they liked their boys young, smooth and hairless. Having brought no money with me, I had to put back everything and leave the store dejected and empty handed. A few weeks later, Mom and I moved from Gran's house to a fairly nice apartment.
The final end came when they had three boys together at their house and that's what got them into trouble. I wasn't a part of that, and thankfully I was no longer involved. One of the boys told a teacher and all hell broke loose. The store closed and Emile and Miklos disappeared.
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